Dear Publishers,

The Smoking Tigers is a complaint of experienced literary translators working from Korean to English.

If you have a Korean literary translation to publish, we can help you get funding for it.

The Smoking Tigers have altogether won virtually every publication and translation grant available for Korean literature in translation, including funding from the Literary Translation Institute of Korea, the Daesan Foundation, the Korean Publication Industry Promotion Agency, English PEN, PEN America, GKL Ltd, and more.

Hire one of us as your translator for the book you wish to publish, and we will mobilize our network and collective know-how to get the support you need.

We have experienced the entire publication process from start to finish, including choosing works to translate, obtaining the rights for them, getting funding, workshopping and getting editorial assistance (no first draft manuscript you see from us is ever a real “first” draft), and promoting the work once it is published.

Do take a look at our pre-funded work below, each of which already has a guaranteed translator and publication subsidy. Samples are ready on demand.

Contact us using our contact form. We are also on Twitter: @smoking_tigers


Please note that we are not a translation agency or a publishing consultancy. Only use the form below if you are an English-language literary publisher or an agent. Thank you!

You can also message us on Twitter.


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On Being a Language-Specific Translator Collective

The Smoking Tigers is a language-specific literary translation collective, making it somewhat unique among literary translator groups. We get asked about it often: How does that work? Doesn’t it get competitive having only Korean-English translators? Do you have regular Translator Thunderdomes where Two Translators Enter, One Translator Leaves? In the interest of aiding those who …